Institute of Energy Systems, Energy Efficiency and Energy Economics - ie3
Folder name: ie3-institute
S W Name Description
DWDWeatherTools Java command line client to access weather data of the ICON model from the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), the federal meteorological service in Germany
MobilitySimulator Stochastic-based simulator for individual mobility
NetPadPlusPlus A simple graphical user interface to allow manipulation of grids that are in PowerSystemDataModel format
OSMoGrid OSMoGrid is a tool to generate life like electrical grid models based on publicly available data, mainly OpenStreetMap. The tool puts a special focus on low voltage grids.
PSDM_jenkinsDev temporary repository for jenkinsfile development
PowerSystemDataModel Provides an elaborated data model to model energy systems with a high granularity e.g. for bottom-up simulations. Additionally, useful functionalities to handle the model i/o are provided as well.
PowerSystemUtils Contains utility classes that are used by several ie3 subprojects
java-apexcharts A java wrapper providing a basic API to generate ApexCharts 📈 -
powerFactory2psdm Convert PowerFactory grid models to PowerSystemDataModel
powerflow Power flow calculation library, focused on interfacing for exchangeable algorithms
simBench2psdm Tool to convert SimBench data sets to ie³'s power system data model
simona simona is an agent-based discrete-event power system simulation model developed @ie3-institute
simonaAPI API to create modules and add-ons for simona
Status The last build was successful. The last build was successful. A new build is in progress. The last build was successful but unstable. This is primarily used to represent test failures. The last build was successful but unstable. A new build is in progress. The last build failed. The last build failed. A new build is in progress. The project has never been built. The first build is in progress. The last build was aborted. The last build was aborted. A new build is in progress. The project is disabled. The project is disabled, but a build is in progress. Project Health Project health is over 80% Project health is over 60% and up to 80% Project health is over 40% and up to 60% Project health is over 20% and up to 40% Project health is 20% or less